<p>Pic’ Fish</p>

The Pic’ Fish project
A citizen science project for research and conservation of freshwater fish

Leading by scientists of the University of Tartu, the Pic’ Fish project aims to better understand the ecological role of freshwater fishes and the consequences of human disturbances.

With your help, we aim to better understand the morphological features of fish species.

How to contribute?

We ask you to take a lateral picture of your specimen, as illustrated bellow, and upload it

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How to measure the ecological role of fish ?

Leading by scientists of the University of Tartu, the Pic’ Fish project aims to better understand the ecological role of freshwater fishes and the consequences of human disturbances.

With your help, we aim to better understand the morphological features of fish species.

Measuring the functional diversity of freshwater fish

Leading by scientists of the University of Tartu, the Pic’ Fish project aims to better understand the ecological role of freshwater fishes and the consequences of human disturbances.

With your help, we aim to better understand the morphological features of fish species.

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